Peter Bonadie Worldwide is raised up by God to teach the principles of the kingdom of God to create a quality of Citizen that succeeds at the workplace, career, and marketplace of Life.



Prophet Author Coach Teacher Man of God!

Dr. Bonadie has ministered to over half a billion souls, preached over 60,000 messages, and delivered thousands of personal prophecies.


The grace on his life has transformed individuals into an accurate and joyful relationship with Christ. His extraordinary understanding of the Kingdom of God equips the believer for high levels of management and productivity. His sharp prophetic gifting unveils the purposes of God to the hearers and bears a stern rebuke to enemy forces and careless living.


Dr. Bonadie is the CEO of: Kingdom Life Ministries International in Brooklyn New York, Peter Bonadie Worldwide Inc and Peter Bonadie Prayer Academy. He is also a global leader and pulls together the largest prayer altar during the annual International Prayer Summit where thousands gather at the throne of God and miracles are seen before their eyes.


Dr. Bonadie is a published author of over ten books. He leaves readers in an empowered position with a superb understanding on the subject matters discussed. Some tops sellers are, Understanding the Kingdom, Curses, Causes, and Cures, 7 Manifestations of the Curse, Altars to Thrones and 10 Habits That Block Success!

Dr Bonadie is a teacher and leader extraordinaire. He delivers the word with masterful understanding from an uncommon perspective.


Dr Bonadie is a proud graduate of the West Indies School of theology. He also earned his PhD in Religious Philosophy. He is an A+ Certified Computer Technician and a Certified Nutritional Consultant.

Mission Statement

Peter Bonadie Worldwide is committed to the building of Local churches, effective utilization of every form of mass media, the conduct of conferences seminars and workshops and the training of leaders to propagate the Lordship of Jesus and the principles of His Kingdom.


It is designed to strategically execute breakthrough initiatives for churches, corporations, and nations to align them with the Current Purposes of God.


Peter Bonadie Worldwide will skillfully combined into an effective synergy of the Gifts of the spirit, prayer, and spiritual techniques with natural businesslike tools to manifest the Power of the Invisible God.


The Lordship of Jesus
Our King and Savior. He is the essence of all revelation and the template of our recreated existence, the pattern of conduct and ministry.

A display of the character of God to all mankind. It is the most basic Christian virtue and the greatest display of maturity.

To give joyfully. A healthy commitment to God’s economy of offerings.

Our ethical code. We adhere to a strict compliance to the spirit of truth.

Doing that which is exceptionally good, superb and with the highest and finest quality. We serve with excellence. We work in excellence. We worship his Excellency.

High Levels of Productivity and Fruitfulness
Productivity to bring forth; fruitfulness-results. A full application of intelligence and skill with diligence for the fulfillment of divine expectations.

Covenant Relationships
The strongest and most enduring form of relations; we possess an uncommon resolve to unselfishly live in perfect harmony with the company of redeemed humanity and selfless friendships, protection and care.

Forfeiture of something for the sake of something considered to be of greater value. We sacrifice all things for Christ in everything we do; Christ has made the ultimate sacrifice.

Full persuasion of unseen and future realities. Through the force of faith we activate the supernatural power of God and bring his promises to pass.

A higher regard to leadership. Honor is the environment required by God for leaders to perform their God-given assignment and for the manifestation of the presence of God.